Archive for March, 2015
Satoru Iwata feels the term ‘Free to Play’ is insincere!
Why he hates the term “free-to-play” and why the New 3DS almost didn’t make it to market on time
Last week, Nintendo President and CEO Satoru Iwata spoke exclusively to TIME about the company’s plans to develop games for smart devices, sluggish Wii U sales, rumors of a live action Netflix Zelda series and why a last-minute feature for the company’s New 3DS games handheld nearly sabotaged its debut.
Here’s the rest of that interview’s takeaways in Iwata’s own words.
Full the full story, check out Time’s website by clicking here.
Ansimuz Games interested in porting Elliot Quest to 3DS.
Ansimuz Games responded to an inquiry on reddit asking if they would consider porting Elliot Quest to 3DS by saying:
I would love that. But first i need to consult it with Playeveryware if it would doable and worthy.
Dot Arcade available in North America on the Wii U eShop starting March 26th.
Step up and experience the brilliant 8×8 light cabinets of Dot Arcade! You’ll enjoy a collection of 3 FULL COLOR GAMES, right on your TV or Wii U GamePad™!
Each dot game is focused on a different core of fun gameplay in its most simple form. Stunning “cabinet art” frames the game screen with the designs of featured artists… you may discover additional hidden designs too!
Have you become a local legend for your dot game skills? Take it global and share top scores on Miiverse. Friends everywhere are ready to have a Dot Arcade showdown with YOU!
Mr. Snake – Become a galactic snakeback rider on a rip-roaring ride through the asteroid belt! Gobble up cosmic gem fruits, and try not to crash!
Dodge Club – The fans are going wild! Put on a show for them as you guide your dancer about a dangerous disco floor — how long can you go?
Rally Driver – You’re in the driver’s seat of the fastest Formula D racer on the road. Overtake the other cars and become the speed master of Rally Town!
Indie Spotlight – SteamWorld Dig by Image & Form!
Spotlighting Image & Form’s indie game, SteamWorld Dig, for the Nintendo Wii U!
If you’d like to see us play more of this game, let us know in the comments below.
Wii U exclusive title, Affordable Space Adventures, confirms price and launch date!
Affordable Space Adventures, a collaboration between KnapNok Games and Nifflas, is a much anticipated Wii U-exclusive eShop title. It’ll utilise the GamePad for both single-player and co-op, with the second screen of the controller being used to control the mechanics of the ship itself – we listed it as one of the 10 biggest Wii U games of 2015 in January, and have been impressed in our hands on time with the game.
It’s due to arrive on April 9th, and KnapNok Games has now informed us of the pricing for the title. It’ll be at the high-end of the market in Europe and North America, costing $19.99 / €18.99 / £16.99 at launch; importantly, it’s also confirmed that we shouldn’t expect any discounts until at least Fall.
For the full story, check out Nintendo Life’s website by clicking here.
Renegade Kid is having an eShop sale, all games 50% off!
Save Cash, Play Games, Enjoy!
Spring is in the air, and we’ve lost our marbles!! Load up the Nintendo eShop and save money. All Renegade Kid games are 50% off!!Mutant Mudds Deluxe (Wii U): $4.99 (was $9.99).
Xeodrifter (3DS): $4.99 (was $9.99).
Moon Chronicles (3DS): $4.49 (was $8.99).
Mutant Mudds (3DS): $4.49 (was $8.99).
ATV Wild Ride 3D (3DS): $3.99 (was $7.99).
Bomb Monkey (3DS): $1.49 (was $2.99).
The sale ends April 2nd, so act now before it’s too late!
Sources: PR Email / Twitter
Buy a Wii U from Walmart Canada and get a free game!
If you purchase a Wii U between March 19th and April 1st from your local Walmart store in Canada, you will receive a copy of either Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros Wii U for free!
Review of Frozenbyte’s Trine – Enchanted Edition!
Here’s our video review of Trine – Enchanted Edition by Frozenbyte for the Nintendo Wii U.
Retro Spotlight – Wonder Boy by Sega!
Spotlighting Sega’s classic game, Wonder Boy, for the Sega Master System!
If you’d like to see more levels from this game, let us know in the comments below.