Posts Tagged ‘Dementium Remastered’
Renegade Kid announces price for Dementium Remastered on 3DS; talks about some of the improvements!
Yes, I am extremely excited about Dementium Remastered. Feels great to have it wrapped up. Price wise, the game will be $14.99 and will release in North America as soon as it can!
I think players are going to really enjoy the game, and those who are familiar with the original DS release will hopefully appreciate the improvements we have made. We approached the remastering process in a way that retained the essence of what made the original game so special, but we did not view it through rose-tinted glasses. We did not let tradition, legacy or ego hold us back from making significant improvements that we feel bring the game up to par with modern gaming experiences.
Two of the most impactful changes that affect the gameplay experience are no respawning enemies and manual save spots. In hindsight, this was unintentional difficulty in the original release, and presented unfair difficulty – not something I am a fan of. As such, this makes the new experience a more digestible and balanced experience – but it also makes it easier. This is great news for most players, but the hardcore players out there who want something they can sink their teeth into will be happy to hear that we also added two difficulty settings above “Normal”, in the form of “Hard” and “Demented”.
The art has been completely overhauled. Renegade Kid’s art director, Gregg Hargrove, and our Technical Director, Bob Ives, have implemented a wealth of new tricks to our toolbox, which enable us to utilize such delights as normal maps and detail maps that were not possible on the original Nintendo DS. Much of the geometry in the blood-stained corridors and gnarled enemies has also been redone, with higher polygon counts to present more definition and character to the visual presentation. It is disgustingly beautiful.
Another area of gameplay that we have focused on is how the weapons handle in terms of ammo and reloading. The system in the original game was kinda of strange. We have modernized this aspect for Dementium Remastered. This is something that will feel natural to new players, and improved for fans of the original.
Dementium Remastered runs at 60 frames per second on the regular 3DS with 3D on. It also supports the Circle Pad Pro and second analog nub on the New 3DS. Much like Moon Chronicles, the game offers a wealth of control options, including different button configurations and aim sensitivity adjustments.
Source: Nintendo Life
New features & enhancements being added to Renegade Kid’s Dementium Remastered!
New gameplay difficulty options include Normal, Hard, and Demented. We’ve added a manual save system (adopted from Dementium II). Enemies no longer respawn; a dead zombie stays dead! A lot of time and attention has been spent on increasing texture resolution, adding specular, detail, and normal maps to enemies and environments. Cut-scenes have all been re-rendered using new remastered enemy/environment art (not autostereoscopic 3D, though, to save on ROM size)
Source: Nintendo Life