Nintendo of Canada Brings Xenoblade Chronicles X and More to the First CVA FanFest!
Nintendo fans rejoice! Nintendo of Canada is marking the first CVA FanFest, happening from December 5 – 6 as part of the Canadian Videogame Awards, with an exclusive appearance from Xenoblade Chronicles X Treehouse Expert Demetrius Boggs. Stop by the Nintendo booth at FanFest for a chance to chat with Demetrius about the ins-and-outs of Xenoblade Chronicles X, play a demo of the game, and enter a daily raffle for a chance to win your very own copy of the Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition for Wii U!
But that’s not all: At CVA FanFest, Nintendo is also bringing the latest Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games right to you!
Bring your friends to the Nintendo booth and throw down the gauntlet in a no-holds-barred Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash Tournament, where each player has the opportunity to win a copy of the game.
If you prefer to work with friends rather than compete against them, team up with two other heroes for a fashionable adventure into the world of Hytopia in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.
CVA FanFest runs from December 5 – 6 at the Mattamy Athletic Centre (50 Carlton St.) and is open for the public to attend.
For more information on Nintendo at the first CVA FanFest, check out